Friday, July 15, 2016

MSP’s Nano-Particle VPG Filter



MSP’s Nano-Particle VPG Filter Achieves Ultra-High Filter Efficiency (twelve 9s)

(PRWeb Press Release) Shoreview, Minnesota June 28, 2016

MSP’s ultra-high efficiency semiconductor Vapor and Process Gas (VPG) filters achieve the highest filtration industry efficiency rating, twelve 9s or 99.9999999999% at 2.5nm, for semiconductor application. VPG filters remove particles from low pressure, high temperature gas/vapor mixtures for use in atomic layer deposition (ALD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) applications.

The Model 2920 VPG Filter™ is an ultra- high efficiency filter designed for Vapor and Process Gas filtration. The VPG Filter has an estimated particle penetration of less than one part per trillion and a filter efficiency of 99.9999999999% (twelve 9s) at 2.5 nm. This 2.5nm, part-per-trillion particle penetration, twelve-9 efficiency rated filter is the highest rated filter in the filtration industry for semiconductor applications. Conventional high-purity, point-of-use gas filters are used in a compressed gas line for particle removal. In contrast, the VPG™ filter is generally used downstream of a vaporizer under vacuum flow conditions to remove particles from a gas/vapor mixture with the carrier gas—such as nitrogen, argon or helium—being mixed with a chemical precursor vapor containing hafnium, zirconium, or other elemental species of interest for atomic layer deposition (ALD) as well as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) applications. FILTER EFFICIENCY The particle removal efficiency of a compressed gas filter can be determined directly by counting particles upstream and downstream of a filter by a laser particle counter, or a condensation particle counter. The efficiency of a vapor and process gas filter can only be determined indirectly by particle counting using an inert gas that is compatible with the particle counter used for the test. The measurement results can then be extended to cover conditions similar to those encountered in the actual process through mathematical modeling. For vapor/ process gas mixture filtration, the filter may be exposed to operating pressures as low as 10 Torr, temperatures as high as 300C, and chemically reactive vapor in the mixture. Direct filter efficiency measurement is generally impossible. Experimental measurement with mathematical extension provides an alternative. MSP has developed a predictive model to extend the test result obtained by a condensation particle counter under normal room temperature and pressure conditions into the vacuum flow conditions of the VPG filter in a semiconductor thin film deposition tool. For the VPG-A3 filter the particle penetration is 1 x 10**6, or 1 part per million at 100nm. At 10nm, the penetration is 1 part per billion. At the lower detection limit of the condensation particle counter of 2.5 nm, the penetration is less the 1 part per trillion. The filter efficiency is thus 99.9999% (six 9s) at 100nm, 99.9999999% (nine 9s) at 10nm, and 99.9999999999% (twelve 9s) at 2.5nm. MSP research shows that the VPG-A3 filter is an ultra-high efficiency filter capable of removing almost all particles from a gas/vapor mixture stream from 2.5nm to 100nm. In filtration, the term “absolute filter” is generally used for filters with a particle penetration that is too low to detect. The VPG-A3 filter is therefore an Absolute Nano-Particle Filter™, capable of removing substantially all nano-particles from 2.5 nm to 100 nm to a very low and essentially non-detectable level. This 2.5nm, part-per-trillion penetration, twelve 9 efficiency filter is the highest rated filter for [vapor/process gas filtration in the semiconductor industry]. PRESSURE DROP, OPERATING LIFE, AND FILM THICKNESS UNIFORMITY The particle removal efficiency is but one of several filter characteristics for vapor/process gas filtration. Other important characteristics include the filter pressure drop, the filter life, and the physical design of the filter that can influence the film thickness and its uniformity. All these factors are taken into consideration in the design of the VPG family of filters from MSP to insure reliable operation and long service life under the most demanding process environment in semiconductor film deposition processes. For over 30 years MSP has created [micro- and nano-particle instrument and equipment technologies] for scientific research and industrial applications. MSP is known world-wide for particle technology expertise in helping researchers and manufacturers solve tough problems with creative equipment designs. Contact MSP at sales(at)mspcorp(dot)com to discuss micro- and nano-particle application or research needs.

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Monday, March 21, 2016


Model 1520 Flow-Focusing Monodisperse Aerosol Generator™ (FMAG™)


FMAG Aerosol Generator Produces Aerosol Particles for Extended Periods

(PRWeb Press Release) Shoreview, Minnesota October 20, 2015
MSP's new Flow-Focusing Monodisperse Aerosol Generator (FMAG) produces particles for extended operational periods of time. Some aerosol generators are prone to operational clogging; however the FMAG's novel approach circumvents clogging while producing small uniform aerosol particles, allowing investigators to focus on research and not equipment difficulties.
MSP’s new Model 1520 FMAG is an aerosol generator that produces an airborne suspension of monodisperse droplets or solid, dry aerosol particles. The FMAG uses a novel flow focusing effect to break up the liquid feed stream to create aerosol particles of a uniform size, 0.7 to 15 µm in diameter. This novel approach to aerosol particle generation is particularly useful in applications requiring instrument operation over extended periods of time.
Other aerosol generators often require the use of orifices not much larger than the size of the desired particles. Instruments using these small orifices for particle generation often encounter clogging problems, limiting the instrument’s useful operation time and disrupting the research work. The FMAG circumvents the clogging with its large 100 µm-diameter orifice and creative particle generation method, thus allowing investigators to focus on research for extended periods of time without worrying about equipment difficulties. Importantly, biological cells suspended in this manner are still viable, rather than being killed by the stress of the particle generation mechanism. The FMAG can deliver a variety of solid and liquid particles of a uniform and accurately known particle size to accuracies better than ± 1%. The particles generated provide a laboratory with standard aerosols for calibrating droplet and aerosol particle sizing instruments such as laser particle counters and particle size spectrometers. The FMAG can also be used to generate known size particles at a known rate for laboratory experimentation, exposure studies and a variety of applications in other aerosol research disciplines. The FMAG’s built-in corona aerosol neutralizer generates a bipolar charge of gaseous ions to neutralize any electrical charge that may be generated during the droplet and particle formation process. This important FMAG aerosol generator feature ensures that static electricity does not skew the experimental research results. MSP’s FMAG was recently introduced at the 2015 European Aerosol Conference in Milan, Italy, and at the 34th Annual conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) in Minneapolis, MN. For over 30 years MSP has created micro- and nano-particle instrument and equipment technologies for scientific research and industrial applications. MSP is known world-wide for particle technology expertise in helping researchers and manufacturers solve tough problems with creative equipment designs. Contact MSP at to discuss micro- and nano-particle application or research needs.
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